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作为家长, 你不想在强大的学术和具有强烈基督教价值观的社区之间做出选择. 你希望你的孩子在学业上、社交上、情感上和精神上都能蓬勃发展. You want to see them grow while, 同时, able to soak up those precious moments of childhood. 我们的小学(K - 2年级)和小学高年级(3-5年级)课程是全儿童课程, 以基督为中心的教育,保留了作为一个孩子的价值观和最好的部分, 在发展阶段引入适龄的概念和内容, 从圣经的世界观,以确保学生做好充分的准备 in 世界与非 of it.
在电子商务, 你可以期待一个坚实而多样的学术基础和一个与你在家里所做的一致的基督教价值体系. Student safety is our top priority, and not just physical safety. We also pursue 情感, 社会, and spiritual wellbeing through nurturing, supportive teachers, 志同道合的同行, and a campus community that reflects a Christian worldview.
We have a dedicated Director of Operations and Student Safety, School Security Officer, and a campus designed for physical, 情感, 还有社会安全, with communications, 培训, 协议, and counseling services.
Through our dedicated 40 faculty and staff members, 我们的300多名学龄前和小学生感到被关注和重视. With small class sizes, we’re able to really know your child.
无论是个性化的学术支持,还是在课堂上看到基督教价值观的典范, your child will unlock their potential, and uncover new interests and passions.
“我们很高兴我们的孩子每天都能在学校听到新葡京app上帝的事情. 圣经在申命记6章7节教导我们,无论我们坐在家里还是走在路上,都要把神的话语教导给我们的孩子, when we lie down and when we get up. Since they spend about seven hours at school each day, 我们很感激他们在这段时间没有错过听到神的话语. 我们的信仰和对上帝的爱作为一个社区也将我们团结在一起,这有助于弥合文化差异. We have been blessed with genuine friends.”
Stella and Eric Osae-Twum
我们的小学(幼儿园- 2年级)和小学高年级(3-5年级)课程旨在建立坚实的学术基础. 因为这几年是建立牢固根基的关键时期, 我们有意建立我们的课程,以点燃对核心科目的兴趣和创造性的艺术追求, 音乐, and interdisciplinary learning.
Our Christian curriculum is rooted in a 21st-century approach. In addition to 艺术, library, 音乐, and P.E., 小学生每周参加一个STEAM课程:一个结合科学的实践课程, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学, 并帮助学生培养批判性思维和解决问题的能力,因为他们与同学合作建立, 创建和编码.
从幼儿园开始,学生们每天通过基金会接受自然拼读教学. This skill practice, coupled with other components of our language 艺术s curriculum, 培养学生阅读的流畅性和理解力,培养学生对阅读的热爱.
At the elementary level, core skills are developed in:
我们在每个教室都使用普罗米修斯板来提高学习效率, sets of iPads in kinderg艺术en and grade 1, and our 1:1 Chromebook beginning in grade 2.
At the elementary school level, 我们鼓励学生通过神的话语的镜头来看待他们周围的世界, and we incorporate a Christian worldview into everything we do.
从把科学看作是上帝的创造,把数学看作是上帝如何展示一个有序的世界, 新葡京app的学生总是从圣经的角度来学习. Our teachers affirm their faith as p艺术 of the hiring process, 他们通过模仿基督徒的行为和引导学生来锻炼它. 圣经是所有年级的必修课,每周的教堂是一个团契和敬拜的时间. 我们把我们的信仰付诸行动,通过服务学习和宣教工作——我们的小学生每年筹集资金来支持当地的事工. Learn more about how we integrate worldview 在教室里.
Whether it’s accelerated coursework or academic support, 我们确保无论学生的学习方式如何,他们都能在课堂上取得成功.
我们的视野课程是为有天赋和才能的学习者设计的. 地平线学生每周参加一个高级小组设置, 深入, and conceptually challenging instruction in literacy and/or math.
我们针对小学生的猫头鹰之巢计划和针对高年级学生的教育支持服务(TESS)为那些学习方式不同或需要额外学术强化的学生提供支持. With a low student-to-teacher ratio, students experience a variety of multi-sensory, 高度结构化的, and sequenced programs to meet their various academic needs.
在新葡京app,性格发展是我们课程、社区和文化的一部分. We are educating tomorrow’s leaders, 知道他们将追求基督的品格,成为全球社会的变革推动者. 我们是全国仅有的七个学区之一,也是唯一的基督教学校,被命名为 National School District of 字符 by 字符.org.
Giving back to the community is a big p艺术 of EC culture. 学生 can p艺术icipate in a variety of service opportunities, 无论是支持我们当地的社区,还是支持世界上另一个国家.
Eastern Christian School is an independent private school, which means we’re governed by a Board of Directors, largely made up of parents who send their children to our school.
We believe in p艺术nership with our parents and families. We have many opportunities for parents to get involved, including a very active PTO, 父母的房间, field trip chaperones, 敬拜父母, 热午餐父母, 和更多的!
BABL from Northeastern 圣经 College
MEd from William Paterson- Language 艺术
MEd from William Paterson- Administration
Nova Southeastern University- EdD Educational Administration
米德兰公园校区提供了一个安全的学习环境, well-maintained facilities. 学前班和小学都设在这个校区, with age-appropriate playgrounds, educational 技术 facilities, 体育馆, and dedicated rooms for specials such as 音乐 and 艺术.
(等级3 - 5)
威科夫校区设有小学高年级和中学课程, located in separate wings of the school. The campus offers a clean, 宽敞的, and safe environment that includes a media center, 运动空间, 体育馆, 音乐教室, 艺术的房间, 和更多的.